Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013


A clinometer can be used  in measuring  buildings, trees, poles and many other tall things. This is usually used when you can't find any device that can measure those large and tall things.

When I've used the clinometer I learned many things. Such as, you can't have the same height of the building with your classmate because it depends on your height, your distance from the building and your eye view of the building.

When you make an improvised clinometer all you need is a piece of straw, a potractor, a thread, laser pointer (if possible), a 5-cent coin, and a tape.

Just watch this youtube video on how to make this clinometer:




                         Solving for time, is used with the formula t=d/v. It is used to know a specific distance and velocity of an object. When I've used the formula I found it very easy because you just have to time time yourself on how fast you can walk, then just solve the formula to solve for it. To know more about how to solve this formula, here is the video tutorial:


Miyerkules, Hulyo 31, 2013


                      MY AVERAGE WALKING SPEED

                        An average walking speed is used to determine how fast can we walk.  In getting this, you must set a specific distance to walk, and time yourself. During our class, we got our average walking speed because we are trying to solve a problem about time and velocity. When I've got my walking speed, I've realized how slow am I in walking. My average walking speed is just 0.88 m/s. But when we are about to solve the problem, our teacher told us that we've got a mistake in getting our average walking speed. He told us that he want the fastest walking speed we got and what we've measured is just our normal walking speed. But, our teacher still considered it and i'm happy about it. I had a great time in getting my average walking speed.